This is the first in our sustainable travel series, this post will share with some simple detail about what corporate social responsibility is whilst detailing some of its different forms. We’re also reaching out to ask you how you think we should spend our money. This will be the first out a sustainable travel series.
The aim of this series is to identify the companies which are actively hiring people which target sustainability in travel and find out what they are doing. 10.4% of global GDP is coming from the travel industry, these companies have some big pockets to make our world a greener place. 90% of these companies have a sustainability programme which is targeting a sustainable cause. This is the place where we will recognise those companies which are shaping our future for targeting the causes most valuable to us.
In an article in the New York Times in 1970, Milton Friedman wrote about “the social responsibility of business.” His famous statement “The business of business is business”, applied to the modern day is mentioned again and again in academia, mostly taking a viewpoint that companies only engage in philanthropic activity to get a niche on their customers. Well, nearly everyone’s doing it so it must be working. 90% of major companies around our globe have a specific dedicated programme aimed at doing good around the world with the profits it makes; We can call this a company’s corporate social responsibility strategy (CSR). You can usually tell what type of companies really try and make a difference based on whether it is a “bolt on” or “built in” philanthropy. If its something a company has established late into the life cycle its usually trying to stay competitive, if it’s early on, well that’s a team built on love.
Regardless of the definitions, it’s clear that the customers of the modern-day value purchasing products with sustainability in mind. However, it’s the people in these companies who are the real ones to decide the direction these companies take there CSR in. Now that brings me to my point, what do you want Tripapt to be? I want to reach out to our audience and ask you. Rather than being the single souls behind the screen who decide how we are going to help all these people we should take advantage from our online interconnectivity! After speaking with clients about the idea of connecting people based on time and skills with temporary work around the world, they agree we will probably be targeting growing businesses. The CSR strategy we should take is to donate 5% of our profits back into the companies that are on our books. We’d love to donate more but we’d have to be competitive in our marketplace but that’s where we will start and grow our philanthropic love from there. Can you comment below and share what you think an effective CSR strategy aim would be based on what action we want to perform, or if you’d like to suggest a different action fire away!
We are going to make this the first in a series of insights into companies who have great CSR strategies around the world, we would like to build a relationship with these companies. Long term we would like to create a pathway for you, the readers, to then apply and work in these companies around the world.
So what are we going to be looking for? We’re looking for positive impacts on key words which are addressed as being a particular concern from the World Travel & Tourism Council reports, this way we can talk about what matters. This is a particularly interesting scene to be exploring within employment since the travel sector accounts for 9.9% of total employment. Hit that subscribe button so your informed when the next instalment of our sustainable travel series is out later this week.